
Molson host their biggest ever Coffee Morning 

October 6, 2022

Molson staff across the UK have hosted their biggest ever Coffee Morning in support of cancer support charity, Macmillan, raising over £2000. 

On Friday 30th September, each of the 11 Molson locations took part by hosting their own cake-fuelled coffee morning. Organised by Lucy Hewlett, Fleet Manager in Bristol, along with other Community Champions in additional locations, the fundraising events involve some people donating homemade bakes, and other colleagues donating money to eat them, with hot drinks provided by the company. 

The first Molson Group Coffee Morning was organised by Lucy nine years ago, when she had just lost her mum to cancer. She wanted to do something to support Macmillan, in appreciation of their nurses’ amazing care of her mum. They have since taken place every year, except for the last two years, on account of Covid. But it was back with a bang this year, bigger and better than ever and with record breaking support from across the business. 

Lucy said: “We were overwhelmed by the massive support given to the Coffee Morning events this year – they had obviously been missed the last two years! We had over 40 bakers and 60+ tasty bakes to enjoy. There was almost complete involvement across the business, including our Directors.”  

The Coffee Morning fell on the company’s year-end, so it’s a busy time, making the amazing turnout all the more remarkable. Lucy added: “Everyone was flat out, but the Coffee Morning was a great excuse for people to take a break, and catch up with colleagues from across the business, who they perhaps don’t see very often. After Covid, we all enjoy being more sociable in person!” 

The events were coordinated by the company’s Community Champions in each location – individuals dedicated to leading fundraising and community activity in their area. Lucy is a Community Champion for Bristol. 

Donations were mostly made through a dedicated Just Giving page set up for the event and the total raised currently stands at £2180.00. 

To find out more about the amazing work that Macmillan do to support people with cancer, visit