
Zooming Lovely

October 20, 2020

Annual group sales meeting held on Zoom, hailed as “resounding success” with over 80 attendees from around the world.

Molson Group has thirteen subdivisions consolidating their products and resources into dedicated teams for different industries, including construction and demolition, waste and recycling and quarrying equipment that provides coverage throughout the UK.

So, getting the team together for their annual sales meeting posed a different type of challenge this year.

With over 80 attendees from all divisions of the Group, as well as manufacturer and corporate partners all in attendance, there was no choice but to adapt to the current climate and conduct the meeting via video call to abide by social distancing rules.

As the first Zoom meeting on this scale completed by the group, a fresh approach was needed and it certainly delivered. From a make-shift studio in the Molson South Liberty Lane office in Bristol, the event was anchored by Molson Group joint Managing Director, Robin Powell and newly promoted Chief Operating Officer, Jason Powles, whilst Ian McDermott dialled in from the USA to assist in helping the flow of the meeting (a tougher task than normal at 3:30am local time).

The meeting covered a wide range of subjects, from providing a statement on the 2019/20 end of year results to giving an insight into how the Senior Management Team adapted and reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic in order to safeguard the business. With the conversation moving on to future plans, they called in other members of the management group to deliver presentations on their specific subject areas, as well as manufacturer partners to deliver high level product training.

A series of breakout rooms and challenges were created to keep the attendee’s attention focused, with all participants playing an active role in activities that turned more competitive than originally planned (in true Molson fashion).

Molson Group joint Managing Director, Robin Powell said “The Gathering of the Clans is a very important event for Molson Group. It gives a unique opportunity to get all areas of the business together and discuss the direction we are travelling and how we can work together to share best practice and overcome opportunities together.

“Although the group has undergone significant change over recent years, it is still important to us that all teams are aware of where we are going and why we are taking the actions we are. We also have a huge amount of expertise and knowledge in the team and this event is a perfect opportunity to make connections with colleagues from other areas of the group that have the ability to help each other and let us get the right answer for our customers.

“I’d like to say thank you to Ian McDermott and Jason Powles for their help presenting the event, along with all of the team and manufacturers that presented and also to the organisers of the event, Carla Sparkes, Andrew Saunders and Ashley Knight who made the event run seamlessly”.